Content 81,100 Images, 34+ Videos.
Membership £28 a month (reducing to £23 after the first month) or £65 for three months.
Billing CCBill
Strengths Video content with speech, Good quality images.
Satiny – Websites – Vanaweb – Review
Last Updated 29th March 2023 – After a hardware issue, has been taken offline. Vana livestreams on OnlyFans as Vana Satin. There are future plans to restore the main website.
Vanaweb provides four monthly updates to their member’s area. Updates take the form of picture sets with occasional video and behind the scenes sets.
Monthly membership to Vanaweb is set at just just under £28 (around €32 or $38). This gives you full access to the membership area. There is also a 60 days membership option £65 (€63 or $88). A loyalty option sees a decrease in price. For a recurring monthly subscription the renew price drops to £23 (€26 or $31) after the first month.
The Vanaweb members area provides a main area where all sets are accessed. The galleries are split over two pages with the collection of video content found at the bottom of each page.
Vanaweb is an established website and has seen consistent updates which will likely continue into the future.
The addition of loyalty discounts for longer subscriptions decreases the cost of membership (which for satin membership based sites is often higher than more generic adult websites). This combined with the large number of sets offered provides strong value when compared to similar sites.
A satin focus is a visible benefit with Vanaweb. The site was created to display an attraction, which is expressed by those involved and Vana herself. This contrasts to alternative sites which can feel as though the satin nature of the website was added as an afterthought. This can be seen in the scripted feel to speech in videos and a visible lack of interest displayed by those appearing in shoots.
Vanaweb sees a detailed and expansive collection of clothing worn in sets. Despite the large amount of sets it’s uncommon for clothing to be used more than once. This contrasts with some of the more commercial alternatives which don’t put as much effort into the items worn in shoots.
The number of pictures included with each update is good. It is rare to get a set that has less than a hundred pictures. This sees a good range of shots and enough variety to cover all needs in each shoot.
Vanaweb primarily features photo based sets within the members section. There is a collection of videos on offer, however these are more an afterthought than a feature. Video additions are added at a rate of a handful every few years. This is poor when compared to other satin membership sites all which offer monthly video based updates. There have been efforts to address this concern by increasing the video content, however these are sporadic at best. This remains one of the sites biggest failings. Pictures only go so far to convey the satin outfits being worn. The videos that have been produces so far confirm that one or two high resolution videos each month would transfer Vanaweb completely.
Set update times vary quite substantially. Whilst four sets are added per month, it is increasingly the case that these will be done in batches at the end of the month (so for two or three weeks can go by with no update). This lack of structure may be of concern to some and means that most of a monthly subscription will pass with without any new content.
Although the number of images per set is good, the resolution of each image is less so. Whilst there was a transition several years ago to boost images to around 980 x 1280 for a typical portrait image there have been no further increases. With larger screen sizes and the progression of high resolutions DSLR cameras this feels like an oversight. With satin as a focal point an increase in resolution better captures the light and shine of the fabric.
There is no easy way to download galleries from the member’s area of Vanaweb. Most membership sites give the option to save a zipped version of picture updates. With Vanaweb you’re left to individually open each image and download them manually if you want to continue to access the content at the end of your membership. This process can be automated using browser plugins.
Vanaweb differs to sites with similar content only offering photos of only one model. This might be an issue for some, with other sites offering more frequent updates with a variety of different models.
Vanaweb offers one of the most extensive collection of satin membership galleries online. The earlier galleries stretch back to early 2001. Updates feature Vana exclusively. Cost of membership is on the high side, recent price adjustments have pushed the monthly subscription upwards. The four updates per month release schedule is modest when compared to other satin membership sites. Updates are almost exclusively photo based. Videos are infrequent and the picture quality is often poor, though this offset by speech within the clips and good clothing variety.