Em Sheldon looks over her shoulder and through her Canon camera. She appears in front of a light beige changing room wall. Em wears an orange colour gown with her long blonde hair loose and a little styled.

Em Sheldon Taken Up

A video showing Em Sheldon trying on several dresses in a changing room. Em wears a few different silk and satin outfits. She is seen in a red satin plunge dress, a dark blue satin gown and a burnt orange silk dress.

SatinyVideosEm Sheldon – Taken Up

Em Sheldon Prada Puffer
Prada Puffer

In “Em Sheldon”

Em Sheldon Ballet

In “Em Sheldon”

Em Sheldon When In Rome
When In Rome

In “Em Sheldon”

Em Sheldon All Happening

In “Em Sheldon”

Inthefrow Satin Bag
Satin Bag

In “Inthefrow”

All Rise The Devil
The Devil

In “All Rise”