Em Sheldon is seen with her thick blonde hair down and straightened. She holds up a black Prada jacket. Em sits in the kitchen of her home in London. She wears a dark pink lipstick and gold earrings.

Em Sheldon Prada Puffer

An Em Sheldon What I Got For Christmas video for 2024. Em shows a black Prada jacket. She talks about styling the coat with a new bag and the importance of designer investment clothing.

SatinyVideosEm Sheldon – Prada Puffer

Em Sheldon Maple

In “Em Sheldon”

Em Sheldon Oysters

In “Em Sheldon”

Em Sheldon Stick On Bra
Stick On

In “Em Sheldon”

Em Sheldon Jelly Layer
Jelly Layer

In “Em Sheldon”

Leonora Smee Hosting

In “Leonora Smee”

Coronation Street Plugged In
Plugged In

In “Coronation Street”