Screencaps from the first season of the Netflix superhero television series Zero. Actress Chiara Degani wears a long satin and silk dress. She appears as the character Signora Ricci in the Italian show.
Zero Episode Six x14
Screencaps from the first season of the Netflix superhero television series Zero. Actress Chiara Degani wears a long satin and silk dress. She appears as the character Signora Ricci in the Italian show.
Zero Episode Six x14
A video from Who Killed Sara? season one. Actress Claudia RamÃrez wears a satin and silk long sleeve wrap top in the Netflix Original mystery thriller show. She stars as the character Mariana in the series.
An Inthefrow LilySilk vlog. Victoria partners with the Chinese online silk store. She shows an collarless silk nightshirt. Victoria talks about needing something loose fitting and lightweight fabric like satin for sleepwear in summer.