Screencaps from The Last Tycoon television series. Lily Collins appears in satin and silk nighwear. Rosemarie DeWitt wears a long satin and lace slip. Dominique McElligott wears floral satin. They star in the second episode of the Amazon Studios series.
Dynasty Between The Sheets Video
A video of Australian model and actress Maddison Brown appearing in Dynasty. Maddison stars as the character Kirby Anders in the soap opera show. She wears a satin and lace chemise in the fourth season of the series.
Fashion Mumblr Tiny Flick Video
A skincare and makeup video from Fashion Mumblr. Josie vlogs her current Autumn beauty routine. She applies eye liner and shows the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Universe palette. Josie wears a pair of silk pyjamas.