Screenaps from the first season of Bel-Air. Cassandra Freeman and Coco Jones star in the episode “The Strength To Smile”. Cassandra wears a satin scarf in her hair and Coco wears a sheer satin corset dress.

Screenaps from the first season of Bel-Air. Cassandra Freeman and Coco Jones star in the episode “The Strength To Smile”. Cassandra wears a satin scarf in her hair and Coco wears a sheer satin corset dress.
A Misha Grimes try on haul and outfit styling video. Misha picks up clothing from White Fox Boutique. She wears a short satin and silk skirt from the Australian fashion store. She pairs the skirt with a satin triangle scarf top.
Victoria Magrath Dubai photos and images. Victoria offers her thoughts on measuring success as an Inthefrow blog post. She wears a silk and satin ruched dress and high heels during sunset on the beach.