A Josie Irons Fashion Mumblr gift guide video. Josie covers items from her small business run by her subscribers. She talks about the hair and skin benefits of silk as she holds items from By Laima.

A Josie Irons Fashion Mumblr gift guide video. Josie covers items from her small business run by her subscribers. She talks about the hair and skin benefits of silk as she holds items from By Laima.
A Mango haul and try on video from Laura Blair. Laura chooses twenty outfits for autumn and winter. She wears a short silk dressing gown as she shows a satin blazer, shorts and trousers set.
A Freddy Cousin-Brown Flossy launch video. Freddy shows off her new Socialite Collection. She tries on her sleeveless satin Daisy Dress. Freddy talks about choosing the name and its unique touches.