A Dynasty season one episode video. Nathalie Kelley appears as her character Cristal Carrington. She wears a pair of traditional satin piped pyjamas in episode 7 of prime time soap opera reboot.

A Dynasty season one episode video. Nathalie Kelley appears as her character Cristal Carrington. She wears a pair of traditional satin piped pyjamas in episode 7 of prime time soap opera reboot.
A Laura Blair try on haul fashion video. Laura purchases a glamorous night out dress from Oh Polly. She notes the fabric, accentuating ruching and plunging supported neckline on the silk satin outfit.
A Niomi Smart daily vlog video. Niomi is home for Christmas. She starts her morning by cooking her favourite healthy pancakes wearing satin pyjamas. Niomi runs through the recipe quickly as she gets ready for her day.