A Roxxsaurus Instagram sponsored posts video. Roxi buys things advertised to her through the social media website. She shows a long sleeve satin dress bought through the Chic Me online shop and store.

A Roxxsaurus Instagram sponsored posts video. Roxi buys things advertised to her through the social media website. She shows a long sleeve satin dress bought through the Chic Me online shop and store.
A video from the first season of theItalian Netflix Original television series Zero. Actress Chiara Degani wears a long sleeveless satin dress. Chiara stars as the character Signora Ricci in the show.
A Hazel Maria Lounge Underwear haul video. Hazel talks about the silk balcony range from the British lingerie brand. She shows and tries on the silk and lace bra and the maching knickers. Hazel wears her long sleeve satin blouse.